We’re not just planting community churches, we’re building a community network around new leaders and churches to ensure they will be able to survive – and thrive. Leadership summits or ‘cumbres’ are ways that we build a sustainable community around this rapidly multiplying movement.
We believe sustainability happens through relationship and connection. Impact Latin America groups every new leader and House of Peace into cohorts with a designated network coordinator who offers ongoing training, resources and mentoring. Leadership summits or ‘cumbres’ offer further training and foster community by sharing stories, worshipping and praying together like the ones recently held in Nicaragua and Venezuela, pictured below.
In the midst of a country in crisis, over 300 leaders arrived in Maturín, Venezuela recently to share their passion for planting God’s peace and to receive comprehensive care.

Over the course of the day, leaders received training in topics like Balanced Life, Family Life, Care Groups, Strategic Intercessory Prayer, and Mentoring and Being Mentored.

We’re multiplying disciples, leaders and churches – without using gimmicks, incentives and statistics. Instead, we’re training leaders how to be effective. Effective leaders balance family, health and ministry and model for others to do the same.
It’s simple. Healthy leaders plant healthy churches.

There are 22 Houses of Peace in Nicaragua but these small community church leaders are far from isolated. The ‘cumbre’ held in Nicaragua provided an opportunity for the network to connect themselves to a larger community by sharing stories, praying and worshipping together.

Despite being spread across 17 countries, Impact Latin America is a community of people, devoted to planting God’s peace by multiplying disciples, leaders and churches.

This is what healthy leaders look like. A community of women and men that is welcoming, prayerful, passionate, receptive and enthusiastic. These are the Latin American leaders that you support when you give to Impact Latin America. Thank you!
We need to build our community. Although 99% of these leaders are bi-vocational, a handful are critical to the sustainability of this movement. These highly effective leaders train, mentor and support hundreds of other leaders – making an impact on thousands. There are thousands more to come.
If you’re not already a supporter, would you consider becoming a one-time or monthly donor? Join this growing community of faithful leaders, planting God’s peace in Latin America. Thank you for your support!